net4biz - managing digital excellence


IT as a business function supports the success of your company.

With a strong IT mindset, you address relevant questions and ensure clear answers.

Often, it's hard for organizations to manage the variety of resources needed to address any IT challenge at any time. And it is precisely in such a situation that it has already happened that one tries to find suitable sellers for hardware and software via providers or consultants – without certainty about the long-term value or the economic benefits. A fine line between the risks of over-giftedness  and underperformance. However, this can be avoided.

Your IT as a business function

Think of your IT as a strategic investment with a clear budget and expected returns. How? For example, with an approach from lean management: The central concern for your IT strategy is the disposal of "waste", the additional effort that does not bring any value to your product, your service and thus your company. We can work out such white spots in cooperation with your team.

With this insight, we sharpen the view of your IT as a business function and you develop the IT mindset of your company.

cooperation partner

distribution partner

telecommunications partner

Contact us!

net4biz GmbH
Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 7
1030 Vienna

T: +43 1 798 11 11


Registration number.: FN422967k
Company register court: HG Wien
VAT-Nr.: ATU69017413
CEO: Eckehard Siegmann

Bank details
Erste Bank
IBAN: AT76 2011 1826 8066 7900

Service & Support


+43 1 798 11 11 999
Mo-Fr - 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

n4b - remote support

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